Home Learning – Wednesday, 24th April

Good morning Caradoc.

Below you will find work for today to be completed, all of which are related to work we would be completing in school. If you have any questions, please do let me know via dojo. I am also more than happy for you to send over any photos which we can share in class once we return. Thank you for all being so understanding.

Green, purple, pink group:

Orange, yellow, blue, grey group:

Comprehension group:

Please practise your 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables, writing them in different orders. You could start by joining in with our number songs to help recap your memory:

Following this, please use you Numbots login to complete tasks on there. Your login will be in your reading diary. You may also wish to try TT Rockstars which has the same login details.

We have been looking at The Last Bear, The Last Wolf and The Last Lynx page in our book. I would like you to design a poster from Red’s point of view, searching for one of these last animals. I would like sentences as well as a picture explaining what the last animal looks like, where they may have been last spotted and why you want to find them. Using your imagination and remember capital letters, full stops, phonics sounds, using because, and, so that, if, and using don’t, won’t or I’ll. We have been using all of these things for some time now and you have all been using them correctly.

Following on from our lesson last week, I would like you to draw a plate showing me a healthy, balanced meal. Thinking about the five food groups we have found out about, as well as things you would like. Next to your plate I would also like you to draw a pudding or treat. Please then write a sentence describing your plate and using the food groups names.

We have just started our unit on Islam and today I would like you to do some research on Allah. I would like you to write down who Allah is and why he is so important to Muslims.

Please complete your daily reading at home and ask your grownup to write in your reading diary.

Have a good day and I hope you enjoy completing our home learning.

Thank you, Mrs Thompstone.