The last two weeks in Caradoc

We have had a busy two weeks in Caradoc and the children have been wowing us with their hard work!

In English we have completed our own Troll Swap stories and have started looking at a poem called The Owl and the Pussycat.  In Maths we have been learning about 2D shapes as well as using a number line up to 100.  In PSHE we have been focusing on families and how they are the same and different, and in RE we have been thinking about how forgiveness feels and looks.  In Science we have completed experiments to test the bounciness and the stretchiness of different materials, and in Geography we have created 3D maps.  In PE we have been moving in different directions quickly and in Art we have created leaf drawings using wax crayon and watercolour.  Last Friday afternoon we had a space afternoon where the children created their own astronauts and their own satellites.

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week.  Last week it was Brooke for working hard in her writing, making sure she uses all the features we have been learning about.  This week it was Michael for his fantastic effort in PE.

Caradoc’s Week

This week in Caradoc we have been learning about using our number bonds to 10 to help our adding. In English we have been planning our own Troll stories and in RE we thought about what forgiveness looks like. In Computing we developed our keyboard skills and in Art we drew leaves. In PE we balanced objects whilst moving in different directions and in PSHE we looked at our families. In Science we tested a range of materials to see how absorbent they are and in Geography we redesigned a town map.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Kendrick, who has been working so hard with his reading and phonics.

Caradoc’s week

This week in Caradoc we have been looking at tens and ones in maths, partitioning numbers and writing numbers in words. In English we made predictions, wrote about our favourite part in our story and created our own character. In Science we tested materials to see which were waterproof or not and looked at opaque and transparent things in our class. In Geography we completed a fieldwork walk of the playground and created a school map. In PSHE we celebrated our differences and in RE we discussed how Christian’s show God forgiveness. In PE we learnt how to move directions whilst moving and in Computing we practised using a mouse. We finished the week off eating cakes for MacMillan.

Well done to our star of the week Shauna, who has been working hard with her phonics and handwriting in English.

Caradoc’s week

We’ve had a busy week in Caradoc with some great learning.  We have been using describing words in English and looking at number bonds in Maths. In RE we looked at the Parable of The Lost Son and in Computing we looked at using technology.  In PE we used the equipment to balance and in Geography we looked at aerial photographs, creating our own of the classroom. In Science we looked at different materials in the classroom and in Art we created artwork in nature.

Well done to our star of the week, Aurora, for being a ray of sunshine.  Also to Artur for last week for always being a great role model.

Caradoc’s first week

The children have settled into Caradoc beautifully this week, everyone has been happy and eager to join in. We spent our first three days getting to know each other, learning our class rules and expectations, and working as a team.  The children have shown me their writing skills, how far the can count up to and the numbers they recognise, as well as building, junk modelling and sharing how the adults in class can support them best. We also visited our school library on Friday.

We are all looking forward to the year ahead and diving straight into our first learning week. Please remember we have our PE sessions on a Monday and Thursday so all children need their school PE kits in.

If you have any questions, please do let me know via dojo.

Caradoc’s final week

Wow, what a final week we have had! We have had so much fun showing off what we have been learning in our lessons by making posters, and working together to make up our own PE games and playing board games.  We have also done some free crafts as well as playing one of Mrs Lewis’ alphabet picture games. We have watched the Year Six Leavers Assembly and took part in Holy Trinity’s got Talent. We also said well done to Mathew who was our values champion for being such a kind and caring boy, a great role model and showing resilience in his writing.

It has been a pleasure teaching your children this year.  Their progress has amazed us and they are all more than ready to start Year Three.  Thank you for the cards, gifts and kind words.  We wish you all a fantastic and safe Summer.

Thank you,

Mrs Thompstone, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Lewis.

Caradoc’s week

We have had a fun and busy week in Caradoc.  We have finished off our Secret Giant stories in English and completed our units in the majority of lessons with quizzes to demonstrate the children’s learning and understanding. On Monday we prepared our chosen fruit and made fruit kebabs.  We held a Great Fire of London morning on Thursday which was great fun and all the children went home with a bread roll they had baked – they were delicious! On Friday we joined the rest of the school in our Holi Colour Run and we found our about why Hindu’s so this.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Deborah, who has settled in extremely well despite only joining our school 2 weeks ago.

We have collected all reading books today and will not be issuing any now until September. If you have any at home, please can they be returned next week. Thank you.



Caradoc Week

What a lovely week we have had in Caradoc. We have watched the Year 5 and 6 children perform their Jungle Book play and had move up morning. In English we have started writing our own secret giant stories, and in Maths we have been developing our position and direction language. In Science we identified parts of a flower and in Computing we changed the background in our Scratch Junior program. In History we looked at Samuel Pepys’s diary and in PE we continued our Pirate Fitness.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Harriet. Harriet worked extremely hard in our assessment week as well as being a fantastic role model at all times.

Caradoc’s week

In Caradoc this week we have been using expanded noun phrases and using suffixes in our writing. In Maths we have been revisiting time and in RE we looked at how Muslims live their lives. In History we identified why the Great Fire spread so quickly and in Science we looked at a variety of leaves. In Computing we looked at programming through Scratch and in PSHE we looked at different jobs. In DT we looked at ways of cutting, chopping, grating and slicing and in PE we carried on with our Pirate Fitness.

Well done to our last two Stars of the Week.  Lola for her fantastic effort in English. Ethan for his growing maturity.

Caradoc’s first two weeks

We have had such a busy first two weeks to our summer term.  The children have been working incredibly hard throughout, I am extremely pleased with their efforts in handwriting and presentation. In English we have been looking at using expanded noun phrases and co ordination and in maths we have been looking at statistics through a range of diagrams. In RE we have continued our Islam unit by studying Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Qur’an. In DT we tasted a range of fruits and vegetables and in PE we have been practicing for sports day. In Science we have compared seeds and bulbs as well as looking for signs of summer, and in History we have been finding out about the Great Fire of London.

Well done to our two stars of the week! Malvina for her beautiful handwriting and presentation. Vali for his outstanding, independent English work.