Caradoc’s Week

Despite the rain, we have had a great week in Caradoc.  The children amaze us every day with their hard work and the effort put into all tasks.  In English we have been learning about using full stops and capital letters, nouns, adjectives and using commas in lists.  In Maths we have been comparing numbers and objects using the greater than, less than and equals to symbols, as well as ordering numbers and objects correctly.  In Science we carried out research on the Chromebooks based on what animals and humans need to stay alive and keep well.  Everyone correctly identified the need for air, water, food and shelter, along with understanding the importance of each aspect.  In Topic we focused on Geography this week, with the children creating a key for their own map work.  We looked at a variety of maps of Oswestry, both old and new, and have started creating our own.  We discussed the importance of a key before making our own for a range of features, including a pond, woodland and the school.  In RE we looked at what a creator is, things in our world that have been created, and who we think created them.  Our focus then turned on what Christian’s believe God created, and we spent some time looking out of our classroom window, looking at some of these creations.

A quick reminder that all children came home with a letter on Friday about our Harvest Festival celebration in church on Thursday, 7th October.  We require every child to return the consent form attached back to school as soon as possible to allow us to make the necessary arrangements.  The children have been working hard to learn the songs ready for Harvest, and we look forward to sharing these with you on Thursday.

I wanted to also let you know that we have altered our spelling test day.  Our spellings tests will now take place on a Monday, however with children being issued with new spellings on Friday, the next test will take place on Monday, 11th October.

Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who is reading at home.  This is making a big difference to children’s reading, writing and speaking in class.  Reading diaries will hopefully be with us very soon ready to send out for you to log reading at home.  Thank you for your patience.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.