What have Stiperstones been up to?

Stiperstones have had a busy first few weeks back.

Firstly, we’ve had three Stiperstones Superstars 🌟

Majd was our first superstar, for making me proud with the hard work and practise he had applied to proving his handwriting over the summer holidays. 

Kobie was our second star, for impressing me with her  incredibly impressive reading age. On her recent Star reading test, her reading age was 3 years higher than her actual age!

Jess has been our most recent superstar, for making a great star to Y6 and being an excellent role model. 



Our unit of study this term is ‘light’. Year 5 and 6 have been exploring what a light source is, different forms of light sources and proving that light travels in straight lines.


In PSHE the children have been learning about healthy lifestyles. On Thursday, the children discussed the effects and risks of unhealthy diet choices.


Some of the year 6’s in Stiperstones have started their swimming lessons this week, they have a 10 week block of lessons, working on achieving their 25m badges.
On a Tuesday afternoon, they have been learning the skills and rules of tag rugby with Neil. Then on a Thursday, they have been developing their coordination, speed, agility, balance and flexibility skills with a ‘multi skills’ unit of study.


Our place value unit of study, has involved using concrete resources to develop our place value knowledge and ability to write, order and compare numbers up to 100,000.

Free Read Time 

On a Wednesday afternoon, Stiperstones enjoy their ‘free read’ time in the school library. During this time, children get to explore the vast range of fiction and non-fiction books on offer.